Home » About YSU OEA » Charter and Bylaws

Charter and Bylaws



April 1974

Amended:          June 11, 1979

March 6, 1981

May 22, 1987

June 9, 1988

June 8, 1989

May 27, 1993

    January 23, 1997

September 14, 2000

October 30, 2003

April 14, 2004

March 9, 2009

March 21, 2012

April 10, 2019

March 14, 2022



Article I:       Name and Affiliation

The name of this organization shall be the Youngstown State University Chapter of the Ohio Education Association. This organization shall be an affiliate of the Ohio Education Association and the National Education Association.

Article II:     Purpose

The purpose of the Youngstown State University Chapter of the Ohio Education Association shall be to promote the professional interests of the faculty of Youngstown State University and of higher education through collective bargaining and other appropriate means.

Article III:    Memberships

Section 1.

All members shall be members of the Youngstown State University Chapter of the Ohio Education Association (YSU-OEA), the Northeastern Ohio Education Association (NEOEA), the Ohio Education Association (OEA), and the National Education Association (NEA).

Section 2.

Regular membership shall be available to any full-time faculty member and excluding any administrative member of the faculty at the level of department chairperson or above. Regular members are entitled to vote, to hold office, and to serve on Chapter committees.

Section 3.

All members shall abide by the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession.

Article IV:    Officers and Executive Committee

Section 1.

The officers of this Chapter shall consist of a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, the Chairperson of the Grievance Committee and the Chief Negotiator and the Chairperson of the College Advocates.

Section 2.

No person shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive three-year terms. No person shall remain a member of the Executive Committee for more than three consecutive three-year terms. 2021 shall be considered the first year of service toward the term limits of those officers elected that year.

Article V:      Amendments

Section 1.

Any amendment to this Constitution may be introduced at any regular meeting of the organization by the Executive Committee, or by a petition signed by twenty-five percent of the membership, or fifty members, whichever is smaller. A two-thirds majority of those voting in a mail ballot shall be required to adopt the proposed amendment.

Section 2.

An amendment to the Bylaws may be introduced at any regular meeting of the organization by the Executive Committee, or by a petition signed by twenty-five percent of the membership, or fifty members, whichever is smaller. A simple majority of those voting in a mail ballot shall be required to adopt the proposed amendment.

Section 3.

Wherever this Constitution and these Bylaws specify ‘a ballot,’ secure electronic voting or a mail ballot will be permissible.

Article VI:    Recall of Officers

An officer(s) may be recalled for misfeasance, malfeasance, or non-feasance. Charges to this effect may be made by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee or by virtue of a petition signed by at least fifty Chapter members.

Specific charges in such cases shall be sent to a Review Panel which shall study the charges and make findings of fact and appropriate recommendations to the membership. The Review Panel shall consist of five members drawn at random from the membership by the Elections Committee. Within one month after the Review Panel reports to the membership, the Election Committee shall conduct a referendum in which the membership votes to retain or dismiss the officer(s) charged. A two-thirds vote of those voting in a ballot shall be required to dismiss an officer(s).

A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the First Vice-President. A vacancy in other offices shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee, except that if both the President and the First Vice-President are recalled, an election supervised by the Elections Committee will be held within fifteen days to elect officers to fill the vacancies for the unexpired terms. The remaining Executive Committee members shall administer the Chapter until the vacancies are filled. In the event that the entire Executive Committee is recalled, the chairperson of the Grievance Committee shall act as President until the vacancies are filled by election.


Article I:       Rules of Order

Roberts’ Rules of Order (Revised) shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically covered in this Constitution and Bylaws.

Article II:     Elections

Section 1.

The Elections Chair will work with Secretary to conduct the election of officers via ballot of the active membership by March 15. Nominations for the various offices may be made from the floor at a chapter meeting in February or by filing a declaration of candidacy petition with the Elections Committee signed by five or more regular members no later than three days after the February chapter meeting referred to in this paragraph. The new officers shall assume office on July 1.

Section 2.

All ballots, marked, unmarked, and voided, and all other records pertaining to the election of officers of this Chapter and OEA and NEA delegates and alternates, shall be preserved for one year from the date the election was held. Such ballots and other records shall be made available to any member of the YSU-OEA and to OEA officers upon request for inspection and examination.

Section 3.

It is the policy of this Chapter, and it shall try to achieve governance and delegate representation of ethnic minorities at least proportionate to the ethnic minority membership in the Chapter.

Article III:    Duties of Officers

Section 1.

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee; shall appoint the chairpersons of all ad hoc committees, unless otherwise indicated in these Bylaws, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee; shall assign the various members of the Executive Committee to serve as liaison with Chapter Committees; shall be a member of the Negotiating Team; shall be one of the Chapter’s delegates to the OEA Representative Assembly, and shall be the chief spokesperson of the Chapter. The President shall receive at minimum 3 SH of reassignment time per semester and an annual stipend equal to $2500.

Section 2.

The First Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of their duties; shall assume all the duties of the President in case of absence, resignation, or recall; shall be the Editor of the Chapter newsletter; and shall assist in the recruitment of members. Shall attend OEA’s Higher Education Advisory Committee (HEAC) meetings (quarterly), Leadership Management Council (LMC) meetings, and CASSY Service Council meetings. The First Vice President can receive 3 SH of reassignment time annually.

Section 3.

The Second Vice-President shall coordinate all social activities, maintain the website and listserv, shall attend all regional (NEOEA), statewide (OEA) and national (NEA) meetings, coordinate all social activities and coordinate the Academic Union Heritage Scholarship of the YSU-OEA. The Second Vice-President can receive 3 SH of reassignment time annually.

Section 4.

The Secretary shall serve as Recording Secretary and maintain a permanent record of all meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee; shall distribute to the membership agenda and minutes of all Chapter meetings, shall maintain a current email distribution list, shall work with the Election Chair on election certification. The Secretary can receive 3 SH of reassignment time annually.

Section 5.

The Treasurer shall keep a financial record of the organization; shall be responsible for collection of revenue and disbursement of funds as authorized by the Executive Committee; shall submit financial reports to the membership at least twice a year; shall prepare the annual budget in April for consideration by the Executive Committee; shall assist the Secretary in maintaining an active ledger of all current bargaining unit members; and shall coordinate membership services. The Treasurer can receive 3 SH of reassignment time annually.

Section 6.

The College Advocate Chair shall act as a communications conduit between the Executive Committee and the five College Advocates by updating the Advocates on Executive Committee activities, and by sharing information from the Advocates to the Executive Committee.

Section 7.

The Communication Committee Chair maintains a list of local and national media contacts; serves as a link among the Executive Committee Negotiating Team, and Communication Committee; leads the Communication Committee’s work on press releases, scheduling interviews, writing summaries of information and findings from the Research Committee, and drafting and editing of other internal and external communications that may be requested by the Executive Committee or Negotiating Team.

Section 8.

Upon leaving office all officers shall turn over current and active Chapter records to their successors and all other Chapter records to the Secretary.

Article IV:    Executive Committee

Section 1.

Upon the Executive Committee shall rest the duties, responsibilities, and authority for all business and all matters of the Chapter, except as stated otherwise in this Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 2.

The Executive Committee shall establish a regular schedule of meetings. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President, or by request of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.

Section 3.

A member of the Executive Committee, by reason of absence without reasonable cause from three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, or resignation, shall no longer be considered as holding that office to which he or she has been elected or appointed. The Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement, except in the case of a President whose post shall be filled by the First Vice-President.

Section 4.

The approval of the Executive Committee shall be required before a grievance is advanced to arbitration.

Section 5.

The Executive Committee shall oversee and coordinate the activities of all standing and ad hoc committees, and all such committees shall be responsible to and report to the Executive Committee.

Section 6.

All regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open to the membership of the Chapter.

Article V:      Committees

Section 1.

The following shall be the standing committees of the Chapter: Planning and Research, Grievance, Negotiating Team, College Advocates, Communications, and Executive Committee. The Chairs of these committees shall hold a seat on the Executive Committee.

Section 2.

Other committees may be established by the Executive Committee as the need arises or may be established by the general membership at any meeting of the Chapter.

Section 3.

All standing committees shall establish their own rules of procedure which shall be consistent with this Constitution and Bylaws and which shall be placed on record with the Executive Committee and at the YSU-OEA office.

Section 4.

The Elections Chair shall be elected by the membership by April 30 in even numbered years. The term of office shall begin on July 1. The Elections Chair shall supervise, coordinate, and certify all Chapter and bargaining unit elections unless specified otherwise in this Constitution and Bylaws. The Elections Chair and Secretary shall certify the results of all Chapter and bargaining unit elections to the Executive Committee and to the membership. The Elections Chair shall appoint tellers from the membership as is necessary to conduct elections quickly and efficiently. The Executive Committee shall supervise, coordinate, and certify the election of the Elections Chair. In the case that an election is uncontested, i.e. all individuals on a particular ballot will automatically be elected, the Elections Chair may declare the positions filled without issuing a ballot.

Section 5.

The Planning and Research Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members who shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The Planning and Research Committee shall, at the request of the Executive Committee, conduct studies which would enhance the interests of the members of the Chapter or the bargaining unit. These shall include: (1) periodic surveys of the members of the bargaining unit, and (2) generation of data for the Negotiating Team prior to the start of negotiations.

Section 6.

The Negotiating Team shall consist of at least six members: the President of the Chapter and at least five, but no more than seven, individuals elected by the membership in March of the year preceding the start of negotiations. In the election for the members of the Negotiating Team, the four candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.

The fifth member shall be that remaining candidate with the highest number of votes who is either (a) from a college not already represented or (b) of the gender not already represented or (c) at an academic rank not already represented. Current administrators who anticipate returning to the bargaining unit and becoming members of the YSU-OEA on or before July 1 shall be eligible to run for the negotiating team. No administrator can serve on the negotiating team during negotiations. If a current administrator elected to the negotiating team is still in the administration on or after July 1, then the candidate with the next highest number of votes shall serve on the negotiating team in his or her place. If no other remaining candidate is eligible to serve, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement who shall serve until the next election.

The term of office of the five elected members shall begin July 1 and extend until the next Negotiating Team is elected. The Negotiating Team shall represent the bargaining unit in negotiations with the Board of Trustees and its agents. It shall receive information from the Planning and Research Committee and shall be responsible for developing proposals for negotiations. The Negotiating Team shall report periodically on the progress of negotiations to the Executive Committee and the Membership. The Negotiating Team shall submit the proposed Master Agreement to the members of the bargaining unit who are members in good standing of the Youngstown State University Chapter of the Ohio Education Association, for a ratification vote. The Negotiating Team shall represent the bargaining unit both in the negotiation of the Master Agreement and follow-up negotiations which flow out of the Master Agreement. The Negotiating Team shall elect its own Chairperson (Chief Negotiator) and the Chief Negotiator is an automatic member of the Executive Committee. The Chief Negotiator can receive up to 12 SH of reassignment time during negotiation years.  In the event of a vacancy on the Negotiating Team, the remaining members shall recommend to the Executive Committee a replacement to serve the unexpired term.

The Negotiating Team shall represent the bargaining unit both in the negotiation of the Master Agreement and during follow-up negotiations concerning any issues arising from the Master Agreement, negotiations, or the administration of the collective bargaining agreement. The Negotiating Team shall keep the Executive Committee informed of the content and progress of follow-up negotiations. During the term of the contract, the negotiating team will have the sole responsibility to recommend to the Executive Committee modifications of the terms or intent of the collective bargaining agreement; including any memorandums of understandings or addendums to the Master Agreement. The Executive Committee will act upon the recommendations within one month of their receptions.

Procedure for striking shall be as follows: The Executive Committee shall call for a vote for a 10 day strike notice. The membership shall take a vote, to be determined by simple majority of voters. The results of the vote shall then be reported to the Administration.

If the Negotiating Team determines that a strike is necessary, the Executive Committee will call a special meeting to inform the members of the current negotiations status, and then call for a vote strike. A vote to strike signals that the Executive Committee and Negotiating Team shall seek approval from OEA in order to achieve their assistance. When the Negotiating Team determines that the strike is no longer necessary, the Negotiating Team declare that the strike is over, as per ORC section 4117, and will immediately notify the Executive Committee.

Section 7.

The Grievance Committee shall consist of no more than five members. During the first month of each academic year, up to three new members shall be elected. The term of office shall be three years. The Grievance Committee shall: (1) counsel bargaining unit members prior to the filing of a grievance and (2) administer and coordinate processing of grievances under the terms of the Agreement. The Grievance Committee may be assisted by Grievance Officers appointed by the Executive Committee. The assignment of Grievance Officers shall be determined by the Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee shall elect its own chairperson, and that person is automatically in the Executive Committee. In the event of a vacancy on the Grievance Committee, the remaining members shall recommend to the Executive Committee a replacement to serve the unexpired term.

Section 8.

The College Advocates shall consist of six members, one representing each undergraduate college at YSU. During a crisis, the Advocates shall assist their college with emergency needs such as phone tree setup and communications, strike plans, etc.

A. Function of the College Advocates:

      1. Advocates shall make every effort to become aware of concerns and interests within their respective colleges, and shall articulate and/or aggregate those interests to the Advocates as a whole, and, as appropriate, to other bodies within the Association, namely, the Executive Committee, the Negotiating Team, and/or the Grievance Committee.
      2. Advocates shall also be responsible for communicating information from other bodies of the Association, such as the Negotiating Team or the Grievance Committee, to their college constituents.
      3. Advocates shall make reasonable efforts to meet every bargaining unit member in their colleges and to encourage them to participate actively in the Association.
      4. The Association shall provide Advocates with training in the collective bargaining Agreement and any additional documents or decisions, such as MOUs, that affect members.
      5. During a crisis, the Advocates shall assist their college with emergency needs such as phone tree setup and communications, strike plans, etc.
      6. When feasible, the Advocates may be consulted, and its counsel sought before the Negotiating Team agrees to any MOUs that affect either a college as a whole or the bargaining unit as a whole.

B. Formation, Eligibility, and Term of office of the  College Advocates

      1. College Advocates shall be appointed by the Executive Committee based upon recommendations from bargaining unit members.
      2. Every member of the bargaining unit who has been a member of the bargaining unit for at least one full year is eligible to serve as a College Advocate.
      3. The term of office of College Advocates shall commence on July 1 after their appointment and shall continue until the newly appointed group of College Advocates has taken office following the next new Agreement, usually three years later.
      4. Each college shall be represented by one Advocate. In the event of a vacancy, the Association’s Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement Advocate who shall serve until the next election
      5. The College Advocates shall choose its own chairperson and shall meet as often as it deems desirable, but not less than once each Fall and Spring semesters.
      6. The College Advocates shall choose its own chairperson and shall meet as often as it deems desirable, but not less than once each Fall and Spring semesters
      7. The Chair of the College Advocates shall serve on the YSU-OEA Executive Committee.

Section 9.

A member of a standing or ad hoc committee, except for the Executive Committee, by reason of absence without reasonable cause from three consecutive meetings of the standing or ad hoc committee of which he or she is a member, or resignation, shall no longer be considered as holding that office to which he or she has been elected or appointed. The Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement.

Section 10.

An individual may be removed as a member of a standing or ad hoc committee, except for the Executive Committee, upon the recommendation of two-thirds of the committee in question and the subsequent approval of such a recommendation by the Executive Committee.

Article VI: Meetings

Section 1.

This organization shall conduct general membership meetings at least once per term during each academic year. The Executive Committee shall set the meeting dates and plan the meeting programs.

Section 2.

Special meetings of the organization may be called by the Executive Committee or upon the request of ten percent of the membership.

Section 3.

The order of business at a general membership meeting shall be as follows unless changed by a vote of the membership present:

      1. Secretary’s Report
      2. Treasurer’s Report
      3. Committee Reports
      4. Special Reports
      5. Old Business
      6. New Business

Article VII: Dues and Dissolution

Section 1.

The Chapter shall have a dues structure to fund an active program. The Chapter may establish dues as deemed necessary.

Section 2.

If the Chapter dissolves, its cash assets shall be transferred to Youngstown State University for student scholarships.

Section 3.

The Fiscal and the Membership Year of the Chapter shall be September 1 through August 31.

Article VIII: Quorum

A quorum for the transaction of business at all Chapter meetings shall be five percent of the active membership.

Article IX: Expenses

Individuals who are on official Chapter business and who incur financial expenses in such business shall be reimbursed by the Treasurer for the actual expenses and for automobile travel at a rate set by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall require receipts and other appropriate evidence to assure that such expenses are reasonable.



I.              PURPOSE

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines to members of the Youngstown State Chapter of the Ohio Education Association regarding reimbursement rights and procedures for members traveling on YSU-OEA business.

II.            TRAVEL

A. Travel expenses will be limited to the cost for the member of the YSU-OEA to attend functions recognized and approved by the YSU-OEA Executive Committee. If the member has any questions regarding approval of the travel, he/she should seek the prior approval of the Executive Committee. Travel may be by private conveyance or by air, whichever total cost is lower.

B. Travel by private conveyance.

        1. Travel by private conveyance is approved only if the member and member’s vehicle is insured for liability and personal injury coverage.
        2. Mileage compensation shall be at the rate currently in use by the university and shall apply to the shortest common route to the destination.
        3. Lodging when traveling by private conveyance shall be reimbursed only if the total of mileage, toll, non-destination lodging and meals, and all parking does not exceed the lowest available air fare plus travel to and from the airport and airport parking.
        4. Members are encouraged to carpool with other members attending the same conference. In such a case, only the member whose vehicle is utilized shall receive reimbursement.
        5. Receipts shall be required for all toll and parking charges. Receipts are not required for mileage or fuel.

C. Travel by air carrier (public carriers only) will be reimbursed provided the ticket receipt is included in the request for reimbursement.

        1. It is expected that members will seek supersaver or other discount fares that may be available. Failure to do so may result in less than full reimbursement.
        2. Air Travel reimbursement shall include mileage to and from the airport, ground transportation at the destination, and parking fees.
          1. Parking facilities offering discounts shall be utilized when available.
          2. Ground transportation (airport to hotel to airport) shall be limited to $20.00 unless unusual circumstances exist and are acknowledged by the Executive Committee.

III.          MEALS

A. Reimbursement for meals shall normally be provided at the same rate utilized by the University. No receipts will be required for reimbursement at standard rates.

B. Reimbursement for amounts greater than above may be requested and approved by the Executive Committee if receipts and rationale are provided with the request for reimbursement.

IV.          LODGING

A. Members will be reimbursed full cost of lodging when performing YSU-OEA duties.

        1. If a member occupies a room by him/herself, reimbursement shall be for the single room rate.
        2. If two members share one room, each member shall be reimbursed ½ of double room rate.

B. It is expected that members will attempt to obtain the most reasonable room rates Unusually high rates are subject to review by the Executive Committee.

C. Receipts are required for all lodging reimbursement.


Any additional items for which a member wishes to be reimbursed must be justified in writing and approved by the Executive Committee.


All requests for reimbursement must be submitted to the Treasurer no later than 60 days following the return from the trip. Any requests submitted following that deadline will not be honored unless highly unusual circumstances prevented timely submission.

Appendix A.
Committees Identified in the CBA and/or the Bylaws

Committees Identified by in the CBA

  • Distinguished Professorship Review Committees; college-level and university-level (convene in January)
  • Health Care Advisory Committee
  • Sabbatical / FIL Committee (convene in Fall); Appeals Committee if needed
  • Emergency Sick Leave Committee
  • Pre-tenure Review Committees (formed by Chairs, Oct)
  • Dean’s Advisory Council (formed by Deans)
  • Department Review Committee for Promotion (formed by Departments)
  • College Review Committee for Promotion (formed by Colleges)
  • Tenure and Promotion Appeals Committees (joint appointment of admin and YSU-OEA as needed)
  • Professional Conduct Committee (ongoing; created and overseen by Senate);
  • Review Committee for appeals (appointed by admin and YSU-OEA pres.)
  • Joint Committee on Retrenchment (appointed by admin and YSU-OEA when departments object to retrenchment)
  • Academic Grievance Committee (ongoing; created and overseen by Senate)
  • Academic Workplace Environment and Safety Task Force (currently silent)
  • Information Technology Steering Committee (appointed by admin and YSU-OEA)
  • Research Professorship Committee (grad faculty appointed by admin and YSU-OEA)
  • Committee on Foreign Nationals (will need to be initiated; appointed by admin and YSU-OEA)
  • Supplemental Pay Committee (ongoing)
  • Distance Education Learning Committee (should be ongoing; faculty volunteer)

YSU-OEA Committees Mandated by Chapter Bylaws

  • Executive Committee
  • Negotiating Team
  • Elections Committee
  • Planning and Research
  • Grievance
  • College Advocates
  • Communication